2018 Feb – More Lovin’ Baby Whales

Today is a special day. The sky is blue, the water calm, and we are out with 7 guests in a panga captained by Julian my favourite lanchero. Bonus: Shari has come along this trip to guide so Terry and I can concentrate on video and sound recording.

A mama and baby are approaching the panga “Over here” “Come over here” cry the excited guests. “Come in, yes Come right in” croons Terry in his best baby cooing baritone. Baby has been resting on Mom’s snout. He seems a little hesitant at first but then he slowly swims closer to the boat and sticks his snout into Terry’s palm. “Hello! Hello!” croons Terry, juggling the underwater video camera in one hand and an affectionate baby whale in the other. Shari is ecstatic. After 30 years her voice still carries the wild excitement and adoration she feels around her Grey whale friends. Shari and Terry overload the small POV camera microphone with their joyous exclamations. But who can fault them for that. “Ouzer, ouzer, ouzer!” What a Lovin’ Baby Whale!