2018 February – Cuddly Baja Baby Whales

In spite of logistical problems at Whale Camp all is forgotten out on the water when a whale swims over to your panga to shower your group with whale breath, make eye contact or just loll around the boat. When a Mom and baby show up the humans get a little giddy with excitement. We oooo and aahhh and coo and sing/talk to this adorable 4metre (12ft) infant. And if Mom allows and Baby wants to be petted, nuzzling a rubbery velvet snout into your hand a human feels blissed and blessed by all that is good in the universe.

Today was one of those blessed days. Curious whales, playful adolescents, benign Moms and cuddly babies visited our panga. They amused themselves (and us) by pushing the panga around with their snouts, finessing agile manouvers underneath it, showering fountains of water and allowing us to touch and pet them.

This baby loved to be petted and kept returning for more, enchanting the smitten humans with her cuddly nature and winning gaze.