Welcoming Whales explores the culture, communication and relationships of humpback whales in the North Pacific ocean. We network with researchers and activists in coastal communities along North America to share our citizen science information. Our audiovisual stories of the whales inspire humans to act to ensure our local marine ecosystems thrive.

Spotlight and her Calf play in the Salish Sea


Humpback whales are frolicking and feeding in the Salish Sea after decades of just passing by. How can a large population of humans learn to love and live with such hungry leviathans who like to lounge after lunch on the surface of the sea?

Two local filmmakers are determined to find out. With a classic sailboat and dreams of singing whales they embark on an intrepid journey – to learn how to make friends with humpback whales.

T-Rex and friend Bubble Feed with entourage of Gulls and sealions
During the past 9 years since the whales returned their numbers are growing. Mother whales bring their babies and older siblings hang out together and with friends. Whales play with sealions, dolphins and each other. As we spend more time around them we get to know individual whales and notice who likes to socialize and feed together. We hear their voices underwater and begin to understand their feeding strategies. We watch how they communicate with each other through body language, how they use water as a tool, how important sound and vibration is for beings who live, love and communicate in the aquatic realms.

TA Whale and Blue Parrot photo by Mary Burgetts
As freedivers we have had experiences in the ocean environment that many humans could benefit from sharing. We can’t take everyone in the world with us into the ocean but we can offer an experience of the aquatic realm through the media of sound, image and vibration that will partially simulate what life in the ocean is like for beings who live there. By formatting for a 360° portable dome that can easily be transported or even built in any community 20 – 25 people can enjoy the experience together. The plan is to make the installation available to environmental and community groups to use for educational and inspirational purposes. The ocean is the womb of Mother Earth, the environment in which Life was originally created. We still have a chance as humans to be a beneficial species on our dynamic planet home.

Now, it’s time.